A British schoolboy, who shares similar traits with a notorious American President, leads his little friends in an act of terrorism against their teacher. It’s a comedy.
Premiere Production, 14th Street Y; dir. Irina Abraham. New York, NY.
Reading, Planet Connections; dir. Irina Abraham. New York, NY.
“But they’re comedies” — interview with Erik Champney and Gabrielle Fox OUTER-STAGS
Cast Chosen for Planet Connections Rep of Plays BROADWAY WORLD
Planet Connections Announces Ten Dark Ditties BROADWAY WORLD
Dark Planet: Not Your Mother's Valentine's Day Comes to the 14th Street Y Theatre BROADWAY WORLD
A lively, fully edited video of the World Premiere of Erik Champney’s Fievel Dridge, The Great Orator of Fishingstill, directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y.
MATT MARETZ - Fievel Dridge
ISSA BEST - Hatcher Warmwhistle
MARY MONAHAN - Plunkett Rumplelunge
MICHAEL DONALDSON - Professor Palethammer
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Curtain call.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.
Written by Erik Champney and directed by Irina Abraham for the Theater at the 14th Street Y, New York, NY.